Academic Journals
- A.H. Chang, C.M. Hubicki, J.J. Aguilar, D.I. Goldman, A.D. Ames, P.A. Vela. Learning Terrain Dynamics: A Gaussian Process Modeling and Optimal Control Adaptation Framework Applied to Robot Jumping. submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019. (more)
- A.H. Chang, P.A. Vela. Evaluation of Bio-Inspired Scales on Locomotion Performance of Snake-like Robots. Robotica, 37(8), 2019. (more) doi
- F. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Learning Affordance Segmentation for Real-World Robotic Manipulation via Synthetic Images. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2):1140-1147, 2019. (more) doi
- Y. Zhao, G. Zhang, P.A. Vela. Good Features Matching: Towards Accurate, Robust, and Low-Latency VO/VSLAM. submitted to IEEE Trans. on Robotics (under review), 2019. (more)
- F.J. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Real-World Multi-Object, Multi-Grasp Detection. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(4):3355-3362, 2018. (more) doi
- F.J. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Deep Grasp: Detection and Localization of Grasps with Deep Neural Networks. arxiv/CoRR, abs/1802.00520, 2018. (more) download
- G.M. Hadjidemetriou, P.A. Vela, S.E. Christodoulou. Automated Pavement Patch Detection and Quantification using Support Vector Machines. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(1), 2018. (more) download
- J.S. Smith, J.H. Hwang, F.J. Chu, P.A. Vela. Learning to Navigate: Exploiting Deep Networks to Inform Sample-Based Planning During Vision-Based Navigation. arxiv/CoRR, abs/1801.05132, 2018. (more) download
- M. Bügler, A. Bormann, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer. Fusion of Photogrammetry and Video Analysis for Productivity Assessment of Earthwork Processes. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 32(2):107-123, 2017. (more)
- N.K. Hyun, P.A. Vela, E.I. Verriest. A New Framework for Optimal Path Planning of Rectangular Robots Using a Weighted $L_p$ Norm. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(3):1460-1465, 2017. (more) download
- B. Nguyen, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Optimized Parameters for Over-Height Vehicle Detection Under Variable Weather Conditions. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 31(5), 2017. (more)
- I. Kolesov, J. Lee, G. Sharp, P. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. A Stochastic Approach to Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration with Landmark Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 38(2):238-251, 2016. (more) download
- G. Zhang, M. Kontitsis, N. Filipe, P. Tsiotras, P.A. Vela. Cooperative Relative Navigation for Space Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Using Controlled Active Vision. Journal of Field Robotics, 33(2), 2016. (more)
- H. Astley, C. Gong, M. Travers, M. Serrano, P. Vela, J.R. Mendelson III, H. Choset, D.L. Hu, D.I. Goldman. Modulation of Orthogonal Body Waves Enables High Maneuverability in Sidewinding Locomotion. Proceedings of the NAtional Academy of Sciences, 112(19):6200-5, 2015. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A. Kingravi, J. How, P.A. Vela. Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control Using Gaussian Processes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(3):537-550, 2015. (more)
- A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P. Vela. Generating Absolute-Scale Point Cloud Data of Built Infrastructure Scenes Using a Monocular Camera Setting. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 2015. (more)
- S.S. Sharpe, S.A. Koehler, R. Kuckuk, M. Serrano, P. Vela, D.I. Goldman. Locomotor Benefits of Being a Slender and Slick Sand-Swimmer. Journal of Experimantal Biology, 218:440-450, 2015. (more)
- J. Yang, MW Park, P.A. Vela, M. Golparvar-Fard. Construction Performance Monitoring via Still Images, Time-Lapse Photos, and Video Streams: Now, Tomorrow, and the Future. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(2):211-224, 2015. (more) doi
- G. Zhang, P.A. Vela, I. Brilakis, P. Karasev. A Sparsity-Inducing Optimization Based Algorithm for Planar Patches Extraction from Noisy Point-Cloud Data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(2):85-102, 2015. (more) doi
- O. Arif, S. Ray, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer. Potential of Time-of-Flight (TOF) Range Imaging for Object Identification and Manipulation in Construction. ASCE J. Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(6), 2014. (more) doi
- E. Celebi, H.A Kingravi, P.A Vela. A comparative study of efficient initialization methods for the k-means clustering algorithm. Expert Syst. Appl, 40(1):200-210, 2013. (more)
- F. Dai, A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Comparison of Image- and Time-of-Flight-Based Technologies for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Infrastructure. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(1), 2013. (more)
- P. Karasev, I. Kolesov, K. Fritscher, P. Vela, P. Mitchell, A. Tannenbaum. Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using PDE Control of Active Contours. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(11):2127-2139, 2013. (more)
- Y. Lou, A. Irimia, P. Vela, M.C. Chambers, J. Van Horn, P.M. Vespa, A. Tannenbaum. Multimodal Deformable Registration of Traumatic Brain Injury MR Volumes via the Bhattacharyya Distance. IEEE Transactions on Bioengineering, 60(9):2511-2520, 2013. (more)
- A. Rashidi, F. Dai, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Optimized Selection of Key Frames for Monocular Videogrammetric Surveying of Civil Infrastructure. Advance Engineering Informatics, 27(2):270-282, 2013. (more) doi
- C. Rebola, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela. Design and Technologies for Understanding Older Adults Social Interactions in Retirement Communities. International Journal of Social Robotics, 5(4):575-591, 2013. (more)
- J. Yang, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer, Z. Shi. Vision-Based Tower Crane Tracking for Understanding Construction Activity. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(1):103-112, 2013. (more) doi
- Y. Lou, X. Jia, T. Niu, P. Vela, L. Zhu, A. Tannenbaum. Joint CT/CBCT Deformable Registration and CBCT Enhancement for Cancer Radiotherapy. Medical Image Analysis, 17(3):387-400, April 2013. (more)
- T. Cheng, U. Mantripragada, J. Teizer, P.A. Vela. Automated Trajectory and Path Planning Analysis Based on Ultra Wideband Data. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(2):151-160, 2012. (more) doi
- H.A. Kingravi, G. Chowdhary, P.A. Vela, E.N. Johnson. Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for the Online Update of Radial Bases in Neuro-Adaptive Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(7):1130-1141, 2012. (more) download
- O. Arif, P.A. Vela. Kernel Map Compression for Speeding the Execution of Kernel-Based Methods. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22(6):870-879, 2011. (more) doi
- T. Cheng, M. Venugopal, J. Teizer, P.A. Vela. Performance Evaluation of Ultra Wideband Technology for Resource Location Tracking in Harsh Environments. Automation in Construction, 20(8):870-879, 2011. (more) doi
- T. Cheng, U. Mantripragada, J. Teizer, P.A. Vela. Automated Trajectory and Path Planning Analysis Based on Ultra Wideband Data. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(2):151-160, 2011. (more) doi
- S.M. Shahandashti, S.N. Razavi, L. Soibelman, M. Berges, C.M. Caldas, I. Brilakis, J. Teizer, P.A. Vela, C.T. Haas, J. Garrett, B. Akinci, Z. Zhiu. Data Fusion Approaches and Applications for Construction Engineering. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(10):863-869, 2011. (more) doi
- J. Yang, T. Cheng, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer, Z. Shi. A Performance Evaluation of Vision and Radio Frequency Tracking Methods for Interacting Workforce. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 25(4):736-747, 2011. (more) doi
- I.J. Ndiour, J. and Teizer, P.A. Vela. A Probabilistic Observer for Visual Tracking. SIAM Journal of Imaging Science, 3(4):835-855, 2010. (more) doi
- J. Yang, O. Arif, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer, Z. Shi. Tracking Multiple Workers on Construction Situes Using Video Cameras. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 24(4):428-34, 2010. (more) doi
- J. Teizer, P.A. Vela, I. Ndiour. Personnel Tracking on Construction Sites Using Video Cameras. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(4):452-462, 2009. (more) doi
- P.A. Vela, A. Betser, J. Malcolm, A. Tannenbaum. Vision-Based Range Regulation of a Leader-Follower Formation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 17(2):442-448, 2009. (more) pdf
- M. Niethammer, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Geometric Observers for Dynamically Evolving Curves. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(6):1093-1108, 2008. (more) pdf
- P.A. Vela, M. Niethammer, G.D. Pryor, A.R. Tannenbaum, R. Butts, D. Washburn. Knowledge-Based Segmentation for Tracking Through Deep Turbulence. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16(3):469-474, 2008. (more) pdf
- M. Niethammer, P.A. Vela, A.R. Tannenbaum. On the Evolution of Vector Distance Functions of Closed Curves. International Journal of Computer Vision, 65:5-27, 2005. (more)
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