Publications 2019
Academic Journals
- A.H. Chang, C.M. Hubicki, J.J. Aguilar, D.I. Goldman, A.D. Ames, P.A. Vela. Learning Terrain Dynamics: A Gaussian Process Modeling and Optimal Control Adaptation Framework Applied to Robot Jumping. submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019. (more)
- A.H. Chang, P.A. Vela. Evaluation of Bio-Inspired Scales on Locomotion Performance of Snake-like Robots. Robotica, 37(8), 2019. (more) doi
- F. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Learning Affordance Segmentation for Real-World Robotic Manipulation via Synthetic Images. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2):1140-1147, 2019. (more) doi
- Y. Zhao, G. Zhang, P.A. Vela. Good Features Matching: Towards Accurate, Robust, and Low-Latency VO/VSLAM. submitted to IEEE Trans. on Robotics (under review), 2019. (more)
Book Chapters
- J.S. Smith, S. Feng, F. Lyu, P.A. Vela. Real-Time Egocentric Navigation Using 3D Sensing. In Machine Vision and Navigation (to be published), O. Sergiyenko, W. Flores-Fuentes, P. Mercorelli (eds.), Springer, 2019. (more)
International Conferences
- W. Ye, Y. Zhao, P.A. Vela. Characterizing SLAM Benchmarks and Methods for the Robust Perception Age. In ICRA Workshop on SLAM Benchmarking, 2019. (more) download
- Y. Zhao, W. Ye, P.A. Vela. Low-latency Visual SLAM with Appearance-Enhanced Local Map Building. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pages 8213-8219, May 2019. (more) doi
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