Publications 2018
Academic Journals
- F.J. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Real-World Multi-Object, Multi-Grasp Detection. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(4):3355-3362, 2018. (more) doi
- F.J. Chu, R. Xu, P.A. Vela. Deep Grasp: Detection and Localization of Grasps with Deep Neural Networks. arxiv/CoRR, abs/1802.00520, 2018. (more) download
- G.M. Hadjidemetriou, P.A. Vela, S.E. Christodoulou. Automated Pavement Patch Detection and Quantification using Support Vector Machines. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(1), 2018. (more) download
- J.S. Smith, J.H. Hwang, F.J. Chu, P.A. Vela. Learning to Navigate: Exploiting Deep Networks to Inform Sample-Based Planning During Vision-Based Navigation. arxiv/CoRR, abs/1801.05132, 2018. (more) download
International Conferences
- V. Azimi, P. A. Vela. Robust Adaptive Quadratic Programming and Safety Performance of Nonlinear Systems with Unstructured Uncertainties. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 5536-5543, 2018. (more) doi
- F.C. Chu, R. Xu, Z. Zhang, P.A. Vela, M. Ghovanloo. Hands-Free Control of an Assistive Manipulator Using Augmented Reality and Tongue Drive System. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Pages 5463-5468, Madrid, Spain, 2018. (more) download
- F.C. Chu, R. Xu, Z. Zhang, P.A. Vela, M. Ghovanloo. The Helping Hand: An Assistive Manipulation Framework Using Augmented Reality and Tongue-Drive Interfaces. In International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, HI, 2018. (more) download
- L. Fairfax, P.A. Vela. A Concurrent Learning Approach to Monocular, Vision-Based Regulation of Leader/Follower Systems. In American Control Conference, Pages 3502-3507, 2018. (more) download
- A. H. Chang, N. P. Hyun, E. I. Verriest, P. A. Vela. Optimal Trajectory Planning and Feedback Control of Lateral Undulation in Snake-Like Robots. In American Control Conference, Pages 2114-2120, 2018. (more) download
- Y. Zhao, P.A. Vela. Good Feature Selection for Least Squares Pose Optimization in VO/VSLAM. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Pages 1183-1189, 2018. (more) download
- Y. Zhao, P.A. Vela. Good Line Cutting: Towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-assisted VO/VSLAM. In ECCV, 2018. (more) download
- J.S. Smith, J.H. Hwang, P.A. Vela. Benchmark Worlds for Testing Autonomous Navigation Algorithms. 2018. (more) download
Master's theses
- V. Dedhia. Scene Flow for Autonomous Navigation. Master's thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018. (more)
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