Publications 2013
Academic Journals
- E. Celebi, H.A Kingravi, P.A Vela. A comparative study of efficient initialization methods for the k-means clustering algorithm. Expert Syst. Appl, 40(1):200-210, 2013. (more)
- F. Dai, A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Comparison of Image- and Time-of-Flight-Based Technologies for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Infrastructure. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(1), 2013. (more)
- P. Karasev, I. Kolesov, K. Fritscher, P. Vela, P. Mitchell, A. Tannenbaum. Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using PDE Control of Active Contours. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(11):2127-2139, 2013. (more)
- Y. Lou, A. Irimia, P. Vela, M.C. Chambers, J. Van Horn, P.M. Vespa, A. Tannenbaum. Multimodal Deformable Registration of Traumatic Brain Injury MR Volumes via the Bhattacharyya Distance. IEEE Transactions on Bioengineering, 60(9):2511-2520, 2013. (more)
- A. Rashidi, F. Dai, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Optimized Selection of Key Frames for Monocular Videogrammetric Surveying of Civil Infrastructure. Advance Engineering Informatics, 27(2):270-282, 2013. (more) doi
- C. Rebola, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela. Design and Technologies for Understanding Older Adults Social Interactions in Retirement Communities. International Journal of Social Robotics, 5(4):575-591, 2013. (more)
- J. Yang, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer, Z. Shi. Vision-Based Tower Crane Tracking for Understanding Construction Activity. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(1):103-112, 2013. (more) doi
- Y. Lou, X. Jia, T. Niu, P. Vela, L. Zhu, A. Tannenbaum. Joint CT/CBCT Deformable Registration and CBCT Enhancement for Cancer Radiotherapy. Medical Image Analysis, 17(3):387-400, April 2013. (more)
International Conferences
- Rashidi A, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Monocular Videogrammetry for Generating Absolute-Scale 3D Point Cloud Data of Civil and Infrastructure Scenes. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 581-588, Los Angeles, CA, 2013. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A. Kingravi, How J, P.A. Vela. Nonparametric Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Systems using Gaussian processes. In American Control Conference, Pages 2655-2661, 2013. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A Kingravi, J.P. How, P.A. Vela. Nonparametric Adaptive Control using Gaussian Processes. In CDC, Pages 861-867, 2013. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H. Kingravi, R.C. Grande, J.P. How, P. Vela. Nonparametric Adaptive Control using Gaussian Processes. In AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2013. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A. Kingravi, R. Grande, J. How, P.A. Vela. Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control using Gaussian Processes. In Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making, 2013. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A. Kingravi, R. Grande, J. How, P.A. Vela. Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control using Gaussian Processes. In NIPS Workshop on Advances in Machine Learning for Sensorimotor Control, 2013. (more)
- P. Karasev, P. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. IMU-Compensated Image Segmentation for Improved Vision-Based Control Performance. In IEEE Systems Conference, Pages 251-257, 2013. (more)
- H. Kingravi, P.A Vela, A. Gray. Reduced Set KPCA for Improving the Training and Execution Speed of Kernel Machines. In SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Pages 441-449, Austin, TX, 2013. (more)
- I. Kolesov, J. Lee, P. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. A Stochastic Approach for Non-Rigid Image Registration. In Conference on Image Processing - Algorithms and Systems XI, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8655, 2013. (more)
- I. Kolesov, J. Lee, P. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Stochastic Image Registration with User Constraints. In Conference on Medical Imaging - Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 8669, 2013. (more)
- I. Kolesov, P. Karasev, N. Shusharinia, P.A Vela, A. Tannenbaum, G. Sharp. Interactive Segmentation of Structures in the Head and Neck Using Steerable Active Contours. In Medical Physics - Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Volume 40, 2013. (more)
- G. Ogunmakin, J. Teizer, Vela P.A.. Quantifying Interactions Amongst Construction Site Machines. In Conference of European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Vienna, Austria, 2013. (more)
- A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Built Infrastructure Point Cloud Data Cleaning: An Overview of Gap Filling Algorithms. In International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Pages 585-593, London, UK, 2013. (more)
- G. Zhang, P.A. Vela, I. Brilakis. Detecting, Fitting, and Classifying Surface Primitives for Infrastructure Point Cloud Data. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 589-596, Los Angeles, CA, 2013. (more) doi
- P. Karasev. Feedback Augmentation of PDE-Based Image Segmentation Algorithms using Application-Specific Exogenous Data. PhD Thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. (more)
- I. Kolesov. Statistical Methods for Coupling Expert Knowledge and Automatic Image Segmentation and Registration. PhD Thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. (more)
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