3D Reconstruction
Academic Journals
- F. Dai, A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Comparison of Image- and Time-of-Flight-Based Technologies for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Infrastructure. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(1), 2013. (more)
- A. Rashidi, F. Dai, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. Optimized Selection of Key Frames for Monocular Videogrammetric Surveying of Civil Infrastructure. Advance Engineering Informatics, 27(2):270-282, 2013. (more) doi
International Conferences
- A. Rashidi, F. Dai, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. A Novel Approach for Automated Selection of Key Video Frames for 3D Reconstruction of Civil Infrastructure. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 188-195, Clearwater Beach, FL, 2012. (more)
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