Publications 2015
Academic Journals
- H. Astley, C. Gong, M. Travers, M. Serrano, P. Vela, J.R. Mendelson III, H. Choset, D.L. Hu, D.I. Goldman. Modulation of Orthogonal Body Waves Enables High Maneuverability in Sidewinding Locomotion. Proceedings of the NAtional Academy of Sciences, 112(19):6200-5, 2015. (more)
- G. Chowdhary, H.A. Kingravi, J. How, P.A. Vela. Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control Using Gaussian Processes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(3):537-550, 2015. (more)
- A. Rashidi, I. Brilakis, P. Vela. Generating Absolute-Scale Point Cloud Data of Built Infrastructure Scenes Using a Monocular Camera Setting. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 2015. (more)
- S.S. Sharpe, S.A. Koehler, R. Kuckuk, M. Serrano, P. Vela, D.I. Goldman. Locomotor Benefits of Being a Slender and Slick Sand-Swimmer. Journal of Experimantal Biology, 218:440-450, 2015. (more)
- J. Yang, MW Park, P.A. Vela, M. Golparvar-Fard. Construction Performance Monitoring via Still Images, Time-Lapse Photos, and Video Streams: Now, Tomorrow, and the Future. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(2):211-224, 2015. (more) doi
- G. Zhang, P.A. Vela, I. Brilakis, P. Karasev. A Sparsity-Inducing Optimization Based Algorithm for Planar Patches Extraction from Noisy Point-Cloud Data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(2):85-102, 2015. (more) doi
International Conferences
- G. Hadjidemetriou, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, S. Christodoulou. Path Defects Detection in Images Using Support Vector Machines. In International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015. (more)
- P. Mavrovounioti, G. Hadjidemetriou, P.A. Vela, S. Christodoulou. Computer-Vision-Aided Automatic Generation of Building Information Models. In International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015. (more)
- N. P. Hyun, E. I. Verriest, P. A. Vela. Optimal obstacle avoidance trajectory generation using the root locus principle. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Volume, Pages 626-631, 2015. (more) download
- M. Serrano, A. Chang, G. Zhang, P. Vela. Incorporating Frictional Anisotropy in the Design of a Robotic Snake Through the Exploitation of Scales. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pages 3729-3734, 2015. (more)
- F. Xia, L. Tyoan, Z. Yang, I. Uzoije, G. Zhang, P. A. Vela. Human-Aware Mobile Robot Exploration and Motion Planner. In SoutheastCon, Pages 1-4, 2015. (more) download
- G. Zhang, P. Vela. Optimal Observability and Minimal Cardinality Localization and Mapping. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2015. (more)
- G. Zhang, P. Vela. Good Features to Track for Visual SLAM. In Proceedings IEEE Conference on Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015. (more)
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