Publications 2014
Academic Journals
- O. Arif, S. Ray, P.A. Vela, J. Teizer. Potential of Time-of-Flight (TOF) Range Imaging for Object Identification and Manipulation in Construction. ASCE J. Computing in Civil Engineering, 28(6), 2014. (more) doi
International Conferences
- M. Bügler, G. Ogunmakin, J. Teizer, P. A. Vela, A. Borrmann. A Comprehensive Methodology for Vision-Based Progress and Activity Estimation of Excavation Processes for Productivity Assessment. In EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Cardiff, Wales, 2014. (more)
- L. Keselman, E. Verriest, P.A. Vela. Forage RRT - An Efficient Approach To Task-Space Goal Planning for High Dimensional Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pages 1572-1577, 2014. (more)
- G. Zhang, P.A. Vela, I. Brilakis. Automatic Generation of as-built Geometric Civil Infrastructure Models from Point Cloud Data. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 406-413, Orlando, FL, 2014. (more) doi
- G. Zhang, P. Vela, P. Tsiotras, D-M. Cho. Efficient Closed-Loop Detection and Pose Estimation for Vision-Only Relative Localization in Space with a Cooperative Target. In AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA, 2014. (more) doi
- H. Kingravi. Reduced-Set Models for Improving the Training and Execution Speed of Kernel Methods. PhD Thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014. (more)
Master's theses
- L. Keselman. Motion Planning for Redundant Manipulators and Other High Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Master's thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014. (more)
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