Publications 2012
Academic Journals
- T. Cheng, U. Mantripragada, J. Teizer, P.A. Vela. Automated Trajectory and Path Planning Analysis Based on Ultra Wideband Data. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(2):151-160, 2012. (more) doi
- H.A. Kingravi, G. Chowdhary, P.A. Vela, E.N. Johnson. Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for the Online Update of Radial Bases in Neuro-Adaptive Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(7):1130-1141, 2012. (more) download
International Conferences
- L, Rebola, C. B. Bowers, P. Vela. Communication Technologies for Older Adults in Retirement Communities. In Proceedings of the ALAIPO, Cordoba, Argentina, 2012. (more)
- F Dai, A Rashidi, I Brilakis, PA Vela. Comparison of Image-Based and Time-of-Flight-Based Technologies for 3D Reconstruction of Infrastructure. In ASCE Construction Research Congress, Pages 929-939, West Lafayette, IN, 2012. (more)
- P.A. Karasev, A.E. Vela, P.A. Vela, A.R. Tannenbaum. Detection of Human-Initiated Vehicle Maneuvers via Group-Sparsity. In MTNS, 2012. (more) pdf
- A. Rashidi, F. Dai, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. A Novel Approach for Automated Selection of Key Video Frames for 3D Reconstruction of Civil Infrastructure. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 188-195, Clearwater Beach, FL, 2012. (more)
- C. Rebola, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela. Automated Behavioral Mapping for Monitoring Social Interactions Among Older Adults. In Proc. of International Conference on Social Robotics, Pages 188-198, 2012. (more)
- C.B. Rebola, P. Vela, C. Saurus, J. Palacio, G. Ogunmakin. Stitchtures: Interactive Art Installations for Social Interventions in Retirement Communities. In Proceedings of the SIGDOC, Seattle, WA, 2012. (more)
- M.M. Serrano, S. Sharpe, D.I. Goldman, P.A. Vela. Marker-Based Tracking of Subsurface Locomotion in Noisy Environments. In Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. (more)
- A.E. Vela, P. Karasev, P.A. Vela. A posteriori aircraft control signal recovery via sparsity-inducing norm minimization. In Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2012 IEEE/AIAA 31st, Pages 4-1, 2012. (more) pdf
- G. Zhang, P. Karasev, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. A Sparsity-Inducing Optimization Algorithm for the Extraction of Planar Structures in Noisy Point Cloud Data. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 317-324, 2012. (more) doi
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