Academic Journals
- C. Rebola, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela. Design and Technologies for Understanding Older Adults Social Interactions in Retirement Communities. International Journal of Social Robotics, 5(4):575-591, 2013. (more)
International Conferences
- M. Bügler, G. Ogunmakin, J. Teizer, P. A. Vela, A. Borrmann. A Comprehensive Methodology for Vision-Based Progress and Activity Estimation of Excavation Processes for Productivity Assessment. In EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Cardiff, Wales, 2014. (more)
- C. Rebola, G. Ogunmakin, P.A. Vela. Automated Behavioral Mapping for Monitoring Social Interactions Among Older Adults. In Proc. of International Conference on Social Robotics, Pages 188-198, 2012. (more)
- Kang Xue, Gbolabo Ogunmakin, Yue Liu, Patricio A Vela, Yongtian Wang. PTZ camera-based adaptive panoramic and multi-layered background model. In International Conference on Image Processing, Pages 2949-2952, 2011. (more)
- J. Yang, P.A. Vela, Z.K. Shi, J. Teizer. Probabilistic Multiple People Tracking through Complex Situatiions. In International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS), Pages 86-94, 2009. (more) pdf
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