Geometric Control
International Conferences
- P. A. Vela, J. W. Burdick. A General Averaging Theory via Series Expansions. In American Control Conference, Denver, CO, 2003. (more)
- P. A. Vela, J. W. Burdick. Control of Underactuated Driftless Systems Using Higher-Order Averaging. In American Control Conference, Denver, CO, 2003. (more)
- P. A. Vela, J. W. Burdick. Geometric Homogeneity and Controllability of Nonlinear Systems. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003. (more)
- P. A. Vela, J. W. Burdick. Control of Mechanical Systems with Drift Using Higher-Order Averaging. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003. (more)
- P.A. Vela, J.W. Burdick. Control of Biomimetic Locomotion via Averaging Theory. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pages 1482-1489, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003. (more)
- K. A. Morgansen, P. A. Vela, J. W. Burdick. Trajectory Stabilization for a Planar Carangiform Robot Fish. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washinton D.C, 2002. (more)
- P. A. Vela, K. A. Morgansen, J. W. Burdick. Second-Order Averaging Methods for Oscillatory Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems. In American Control Conference, Anchorage, AL, 2002. (more)
- P. A. Vela, K. A. Morgansen, J. W. Burdick. Underwater Locomotion from Oscillatory Shape Deformations. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, 2002. (more)
- P. A. Vela. Averaging and Control of Nonlinear Systems. PhD Thesis California Institute of Technology, 2003. (more) pdf
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