Publications of P. Karasev
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Academic Journals
- G. Zhang, P.A. Vela, I. Brilakis, P. Karasev. A Sparsity-Inducing Optimization Based Algorithm for Planar Patches Extraction from Noisy Point-Cloud Data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(2):85-102, 2015. (more) doi
- P. Karasev, I. Kolesov, K. Fritscher, P. Vela, P. Mitchell, A. Tannenbaum. Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using PDE Control of Active Contours. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(11):2127-2139, 2013. (more)
International Conferences
- P. Karasev, P. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. IMU-Compensated Image Segmentation for Improved Vision-Based Control Performance. In IEEE Systems Conference, Pages 251-257, 2013. (more)
- I. Kolesov, P. Karasev, N. Shusharinia, P.A Vela, A. Tannenbaum, G. Sharp. Interactive Segmentation of Structures in the Head and Neck Using Steerable Active Contours. In Medical Physics - Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Volume 40, 2013. (more)
- P.A. Karasev, A.E. Vela, P.A. Vela, A.R. Tannenbaum. Detection of Human-Initiated Vehicle Maneuvers via Group-Sparsity. In MTNS, 2012. (more) pdf
- A.E. Vela, P. Karasev, P.A. Vela. A posteriori aircraft control signal recovery via sparsity-inducing norm minimization. In Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2012 IEEE/AIAA 31st, Pages 4-1, 2012. (more) pdf
- G. Zhang, P. Karasev, I. Brilakis, P.A. Vela. A Sparsity-Inducing Optimization Algorithm for the Extraction of Planar Structures in Noisy Point Cloud Data. In International Workshop on Construction in Civil Engineering, Pages 317-324, 2012. (more) doi
- P.A. Karasev, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Depth invariant visual servoing. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 4992-4998, 2011. (more) pdf
- P. Karasev, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Visual Closed-Loop Tracking with Area Stabilization. In American Control Conference, Pages 6955-6961, 2010. (more) pdf
- P.A. Karasev, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Delay estimation for wireless LAN control of nonlinear systems. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 1010-1016, 2010. (more)
- P. Karasev. Feedback Augmentation of PDE-Based Image Segmentation Algorithms using Application-Specific Exogenous Data. PhD Thesis Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. (more)
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