Publications of M.M. Serrano
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Academic Journals
- H. Astley, C. Gong, M. Travers, M. Serrano, P. Vela, J.R. Mendelson III, H. Choset, D.L. Hu, D.I. Goldman. Modulation of Orthogonal Body Waves Enables High Maneuverability in Sidewinding Locomotion. Proceedings of the NAtional Academy of Sciences, 112(19):6200-5, 2015. (more)
- S.S. Sharpe, S.A. Koehler, R. Kuckuk, M. Serrano, P. Vela, D.I. Goldman. Locomotor Benefits of Being a Slender and Slick Sand-Swimmer. Journal of Experimantal Biology, 218:440-450, 2015. (more)
International Conferences
- M.M. Serrano, YP Chen, A. Howard, P.A. Vela. Lower Limb Pose Estimation for Monitoring the Kicking Patterns of Infants. In International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Pages 2157-2160, 2016. (more)
- M.M. Serrano, YP Chen, A. Howard, P.A. Vela. Automated Feet Detection for Clinical Gait Assessment. In International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Pages 2161-2164, 2016. (more)
- A.H. Chang, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela. Shape-Centric Modeling of Traveling Wave Rectilinear Locomotion for Snake-Like Robots. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 7535-7541, Las Vegas, NV, December 2016. (more)
- A.H. Chang, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela. Shape-Centric Modeling of Lateral Undulation and Sidewinding Gaits for Snake Robots. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 6676-6682, Las Vegas, NV, December 2016. (more)
- M. Serrano, A. Chang, G. Zhang, P. Vela. Incorporating Frictional Anisotropy in the Design of a Robotic Snake Through the Exploitation of Scales. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pages 3729-3734, 2015. (more)
- G. Hadjidemetriou, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, S. Christodoulou. Path Defects Detection in Images Using Support Vector Machines. In International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015. (more)
- M.M. Serrano, S. Sharpe, D.I. Goldman, P.A. Vela. Marker-Based Tracking of Subsurface Locomotion in Noisy Environments. In Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012. (more)
- P.A. Karasev, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Depth invariant visual servoing. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 4992-4998, 2011. (more) pdf
- P. Karasev, M.M. Serrano, P.A. Vela, A. Tannenbaum. Visual Closed-Loop Tracking with Area Stabilization. In American Control Conference, Pages 6955-6961, 2010. (more) pdf
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